CMC Global

RPA Consulting & System Integration

We make your business process automation fast, smart and error-free with the power of Robotic Process Automation.

Robotic Process Automation

Our highly efficient team of professionals is capable to combine RPA with cognitive methods that emulate human decision-making to enhance the speed and efficiency of the process. In addition to that, we are also experienced to integrate Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, and Smart Devices in Robotic Process Automation.

We help enterprises to achieve up to 50% cost savings, to improve accuracy and efficiency of the process execution, and to reduce or eliminate human intervention in mundane with our bespoke Robotic Process Automation Service.

Robotic Process Automation

Our Approach

Assessment & Proof of Concept (POC)

Assessment & Proof of Concept (POC)



Maintenance & Support

Maintenance & Support

Offshore Development Center

Offshore Development Center

RPA Platforms

uipath partner
automation anywhere partner
blueprism partner

Why choose us?

Extensive Experience

Our long-standing background of 27 years in the ICT field provides us with key insights into the local IT market, as well as global know-how of the latest tech trends and innovations. 

Certified Experts

CMC Global has awarded 10+ RPA Automation Anywhere certificates, proving our capacity for automation deployment.

Agile Service

Our average time to provide qualified developers is normally 1-3 weeks depending on your specific requirements

Cost Savings

By working in partnership with CMC Global, our clients can leverage operational costs and save up to 70% personnel expenses.

Talk to our consultant



If you have any questions about how our solutions will shape your future projects, don’t hesitate to drop us an email and have a talk!